USA Fuel is a app oriented the price of the fuels of the usa. . (Dollars per Gallon, Including Taxes).
This application you can determine all the prices of fuel of united state.
You can search by region, state or city.
You can search the prices of the fuels weekly,monthly or annual.
Fuel type :
Premium Gasoline
Regular Gasoline
Reformulated Area
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
Petroleum Administration for Defense District (PADD)
On Highway Diesel
Nonattainment Area
Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel
Midgrade Gasoline
Conventional Gasoline
Conventional Area
Total Gasoline
History fuel prices:
the price chart.
price and years
You can also see the map and the nearest gas stations.
Name of the gas station
Description of the gas station
Distance between your location and gas station
Note: The map can be used anywhere in the world.
All this information is supplied by eia (Independent Statistics & Analysis) U.S Energy Information Admistration.
thank you.